Forex Roadmap To Become A Rockstar Trader
“Join the free Forex Trading Workshop hosted by Rockstar Trader. Don’t forget to regularly check Rockstar’s website to stay updated on the schedule for the free workshop.”
“Join the Rockstar Forex Masterclass. This online class is suitable for both beginners and those who are already studying. Depending on your learning pace, the online class can last for one or two months.”
“After completing the online class, it’s important to practice thoroughly with a demo account. You should practice until you gain confidence, managing risks and emotions carefully, and consistently making a profit. Since each individual’s practice may vary, it could take 3 to 4 months to reach this level.”
“After practicing with a demo account, you can create a trading journal and meet with Ko Kyaw Htet via Zoom to discuss your progress and situation.”
“Once you’ve practiced enough on the demo and feel confident in yourself, you can open a real account through a suitable Forex broker and start trading.”